What Is Common Between The Underlined Words In A And B? C And D? E And F?

What is common between the underlined words in a and b? c and d? e and f?


The underlined words in a, b, c, d, e, and f, all are called adjective complements.


An adjective complement is a group of words that follows an adjective to complete its meaning. It answers the question "What does the adjective modify?"

There are three forms of adjective complement: prepositional phrase, infinitive phrase, and a clause.

Adjective complement in the prepositional phrase is those which begin with a preposition. Example C and D are examples of an adjective complement in the the prepositional phrase form.

Adjective complement in the infinitive phrase form is those which begins with a "to infinite". Example A and B are examples of an adjective complement in the infinitive phrase form.

Adjective complement in the clause form is those which is introduced with a relative pronoun. Example E and F are examples of an adjective complement in the clause form. In these examples, the complement is introduced with a relative pronoun "that".


For more information about kinds of an adjective complement, .you may refer to the following links:



For more information about complementing, .you may refer to the following links:



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